Diet – The Ladder To A Great Physique
Working out in the gym for ages and still not getting the perfect shape for your body? Exercising rigorously with plenty of weights, doing deadlifts but no outcome. What could be the problem? Well, just lifting weights and spending hours in the gym is not going to fetch you the perfect physique you longed for. Exercising for hours in the gym but without a proper diet means you are missing something very important.
A good set of exercises with a strict diet is to be followed for your perfect body. Whether you are planning for a weight loss or a lean body, diet plays a very important role in both. Protein is the vital element needed in your diet for a perfect body, while if you are planning for shredding some weight then you have to cut down the carbohydrate’s intake.
There are a lot of benefits of protein to the body. For losing weight you need to have a high protein low-fat food however, for those wanting to beef up their body needs to have a high protein diet. Depending on your body type, the right intake of protein and carbohydrates calculated. So, what amount of protein and carbs does your body need and what all should you be eating to get them? Well, let us help you with this. All you have to do is, just go through our article and all your questions will be answered.
Some Exercises to improve the outcome
Exercise helps you control weight. It also helps you avoid excess weight gain or maintains a weight loss. Exercise also helps you fight health conditions and diseases. It is the key to remain fit and fine all the time, whatever is the age. You should keep in mind that before starting a workout you should always warm up your body by stretching your body and then running. This will help you in avoiding any cramps or fatigue while working out. Some of the best exercises to improve your physique are listed below.
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The advantages of deadlifts are many. It is the most effective exercise that helps you build your core strength, and it also supports the other muscle groups as well. Performing a deadlift targets all your muscles which are important for your posture and it also allows your back to be straight while doing regular activities. It also helps you in enabling your back straight while doing your daily activities. Deadlifts mainly target the muscles like back, shoulders, legs, and forearms. It is an important exercise to make your lower back strong.
Pushups are very helpful in building upper body strength. They are the basic exercise that is performed by everyone. A pushup is a great bodyweight exercise for toning up your muscles. Performing pushups does not require any gym equipment nor does it require any specific place. It can be done at any place as per your convenience be it home, garden, beach, etc. A correct form of pushup can help you in targeting your chest, triceps, and arms.
The squat is an effective strength training workout that needs certain muscles in your upper as well as your lower body to function together simultaneously. Squats are an exercise that can be performed freely as well as with weights. It is a great exercise for the lower body which includes the butt, hips, and thighs. This exercise is an effective fat burning exercise.
A pull-up is an exercise for training the upper body. It requires a lot of strength and concentration. Your body needs to be stable while pulling up and going down. This exercise is an important exercise for targeting the back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Pullups also have different variations so that you can target different body parts with these variations.
Repetitions or reps is one complete motion of an exercise which you do when doing a set of an exercise. A set is a number of successive repetitions. You cannot perform effective strength training without knowing about reps and sets. The repetitions number counts on which level you are in the training. If you are new you might have to perform fewer reps and if you are a professional, then the count of your reps should be more. It also depends on your goals if you have thought of any specific number.
For getting good results you need to stress your muscles. Performing several reps with extreme light weights will do no good to you as your muscles will not be stressed enough. To tone your body and build up the type of strength you require for everyday work, you should plan for 10-12 reps per set. While if you just started pumping irons recently then the number of reps you should do should be about 6-8 per set. This would help you to avoid any kind of damage to your muscle tissues. The more used to it you get, the greater the number of reps you can opt for. This will help you in building quick muscles.
Starting with a diet plan to either lose weight or gain muscles is a worthy objective, however, it can be a bit staggering. You have to face challenges when starting anything new, especially when it consists of something you practice each time in a day for example eating, drinking, and exercising.
A workout without a proper diet plan is pointless. If you are a beast in the gym but not following the diet, then it is of no use. As proteins are the building blocks of the body, they play an important role in the growth and repairing your muscles and connective tissues post-workout. Your body needs some high protein foods to recover your muscles. The benefits of protein to your body are countless, hence it is considered to be a key ingredient for gym-goers. You should know how much protein per day does your body needs so that you can give the right amount of nutrition to your body.
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Planning a workout schedule can be a key factor if your planning for a weight loss or for getting a good physique or fitness model. Performing any type of physical exercise is better than doing nothing. Getting effective results mainly depends on efficiency, consistency, and frequency. Working out on the above three factors can help you in getting the desired shape you want. Setting your goals before a workout can help you be determined. You also have to strictly follow your daily regime come what may.
You should always follow a plan while working out as it will help you in building different muscles each day. You should fix the days of your workout so that you can train different muscles on different days. This may help your body to be used to the training and it will also develop your muscles faster as compared to performing without a workout schedule. Also, you should always be focused on your goal and try to get closer and closer to your goal without any excuse. This, in turn, will surely help you with achieving your goal faster.
A bit of origin
Only doing the workout alone is not gonna help in either making a good physique or for losing weight. A proper well-balanced diet with high protein low-fat foods is surely going to help. You should consume protein-rich foods like meat, eggs, milk products, etc. if you are a vegetarian, not to worry you will get an ample amount of protein in beans, then there are high protein vegetables that will undoubtedly keep you fit and provide you with a lot of energy. Along with protein, carbohydrates are also important for your body. Carbs provide the necessary amount of energy required for working out in the gym. Consuming a high protein diet with some carbs will surely help you in getting the perfect body of your dream.
Switching to a healthy diet can be a tough task. However not many can follow the rule of eating healthy. Having a healthy and balanced diet is not only important for weight loss and improved health but it also helps you in avoiding your future health costs. Health is a very special gift from God, to take utter care is our responsibility. Eating junk foods and drinking sugary drinks is never going to do any good for your body. Most health experts advise us to consume high protein foods to gain muscles. People who are regular gym-goers are fat protein efficient and they never miss high protein low-fat foods in their diet. These people follow a strict diet along with some hardcore exercise to stay in shape. If you are a fat protein efficient it means you know which protein and fats are good or bad for you. Like you will understand which kind of foods will be suitable for you. Nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats play a vital role in providing you with a healthy body.
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They have an endless number of advantages to your body. Protein is a vital component that builds and repairs our body tissues. Including protein in your diet post-workout helps in restoring your muscle tissues and also it provides energy to the body. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are the main source of energy. They act as fuel for providing energy to your body. Carbohydrates are eaten pre-workouts to get maximum energy from them. Unsaturated fats when consumed provide calories and fatty acids to keep you moving. They also are said to act as fuel for you before your workout.
Frequently asked questions
What are the main sources of protein?
Some main examples of protein-rich foods are listed below.
Lean meat, poultry, and fish are the main sources of protein, while there is a high amount of protein in chicken breast.
Eggs are also another good example of high protein food.
Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are considered to be fat protein efficient.
Vegetarian people can consume high protein vegetables which include:
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Collard greens
- Green peas
Apart from the above vegetables, you will also find high content of protein in beans like lentils, kidney beans, roman beans, etc.
How much protein per day can be consumed?
How much protein per day does your body need is a universal question being asked by many people. However, experts say that if you do not get enough protein through your diet then your body and health balance may suffer. There are different ideas on how much protein people require. Fairly moderate protein intake is recommended by most nutritional organizations. The Dietary Reference Intake is 0.8 grams of protein for a kilogram of body weight or 0.36 grams for a pound. This sums up to 56 grams in one day for an average man and 45 grams per day for an average woman. You can get this amount of protein by consuming the protein-rich foods listed above. These numbers are more than enough for good health and body composition.
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How much protein in chicken breast?
Chicken breast is a high protein diet and it is also a very rich source of protein. A properly cooked chicken breast weighing 172 grams will provide you with a protein of about 54 grams. A chicken breast also provides 284 calories out of which 80 % is coming from the protein while the remaining 20 % comes from the fat.
How much protein in an egg?
An egg is a perfect example of protein-rich food. An average egg can provide you about 6-7 grams of protein. The content of protein, however, depends on the size of the egg. An egg that provides 7 grams of protein from which 4 grams will be coming from the white part while the remaining 3 grams will be coming from the yolk.
From the above article, we conclude the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. Breaking a sweat at the gym along with a well-balanced diet are the two important things. It is said that people who are looking for a weight loss should follow the 80:20 ratio pattern. This means that 80 % should strictly be the diet to be followed while the remaining 20 % should be the workout. Out of the above factors, however hard work and determination are the two critical factors. You have to aim for the best without any excuse and your hard work will pay off one day.