All About Protein Shakes Recipe
Weight loss is a common goal whereas there are a good number of individuals striving to gain weight. While doing this one should keep in mind that it is healthier to gain muscle than fat.
Weight gain can be a struggle for people who have a high metabolism, highly active schedules, have a low protein intake or are just fitness freaks. It could also be due to an underlying medical reason.
But the fitness fraternity being huge, has a solution to this too and you might have heard it. The new sensation in the fitness world: protein shakes recipe for muscle gain without fat.
The most common protein powders are whey protein, pea protein, soy protein, casein protein, rice, and pea protein.
Many believe that drinking a protein shake within 30 minutes of workout maximizes the results. This is known as the Anabolic Window when the damaged muscles act as a sponge for protein. Recent research suggests that the timing of consumption of protein shakes recipe may not matter.
Though there are many brands in the market now, the ones that are popular are Dymatize Super Mass Gainer, Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer, Body Fortress Mass Gainer, etc.
This protein shake recipe provides an adequate amount of nutrition that includes majorly protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, Creatine, etc.
A few popular proteins shake recipe for weight gain are discussed below:
Dymatize Super Mass Gainer
Dymatize Super Mass Gainer is a high-quality protein supplement that is loaded with protein, BCCAs (Branched-chain amino acids), calories and other nutrients that are proven to be effective in even the hard gainers.
It is made by the brand Dymatize Nutrition.
Each serving provides 52g of protein, which is derived from milk, whey concentrate, and whey isolate. Each portion also holds 3g of creatine, 7.8g of fat, 242g of carbohydrates and 1248 calories.
The BCAAs present in it is leucine, isoleucine, and valine which aid muscle and protein synthesis and growth.
Super Mass Gainer comes in 4 delicious flavors like Cookie and Cream, Gourmet Vanilla, Rich Chocolate, and Strawberry.
Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer
Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer is an augmented protein supplement. It has seven sources of protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats from medium-chain triglycerides, dietary fibers, digestive enzymes, vitamins, and essential minerals. It is beneficial for anyone struggling to gain athletic fitness model muscle. Made of 7 superior proteins like whey, casein, egg among others.
Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer also comes in 4 varieties – Vanilla custard, Double Chocolate, Banana cream pie, Strawberry cream.
Along with protein shakes recipe a very important factor is diet.
In a protein shake diet plan, focus on incorporating healthy fiber-rich foods supplemented with weight gainer protein shakes recipe taken at least twice a day. Once you reach your optimum weight, reduce it to once a day post or pre-workout depending on your ease.
For mass gain, you have to increase your daily calorie intake. For some, it might be as easy as 2500 calories per day whereas some might have to do 4000 calories a day which seems like taking up eating as a full-time job! This is where protein shakes recipe for weight gain come into action. They make you feel full and also provide the calories required. Also, try to increase 500 calories a day for a week or two. This way you won’t be overwhelmed.
Top 8 Tips To Gain Muscle Without Fat
Fiber-rich foods include leafy vegetables, whole grains, legumes, egg, fish.
Replace breakfast with protein shakes recipe for weight gain like Super mass gainer, Pro gainer, Dymatize Super Mass Gainer.
Between breakfast and lunch, a small snack like a fruit, snack bar, nuts, and seeds is recommended.
A healthy lunch to fill you up and boost your energy should consist of diced or grilled chicken, chickpeas, avocados, spinach, salmon and a salad.
Dinner should again comprise a protein shake for weight gain coupled with fruit like an apple, some blackberries or dried beans.
A protein intake of 0.6-0.9g/lb or 1.4-2 g/kg is suggested by researchers to gain weight. An effective way to achieve this is incorporating protein shakes recipe for weight gain from brands like Dymatize, Optimum Nutrition, Body Fortress.
Exercises should also be given importance when on a protein shake weight gain plan.
If you want to start building muscle, getting bigger and stronger then you need to lift things!
On a serious note, when in gym focus on weight lifting rather than machines.
Few exercises that are recommended when on a muscle gaining spree are:
Leg Exercises: Squats, Deadlifts, or Lunges
Push Exercises: Bench Press, Overhead Press, or Dips
Pull Exercises: Inverted Rows, Pull-Ups, or Chin Ups
Core Exercises: Reverse Crunches, Hanging Knee Raises, or Planks
For building strength, you can focus on 3-5 sets of 5 reps of weight lifting. Increase the weights each week.
For increasing size along with with strength mix your reps with 5 sets and 6-12 sets.
These exercises coupled with Body Fortress Mass Gainer, Super mass gainer, ON Pro gainer will result in explosive results.
Protein shakes recipes are not new in the fitness alley and somewhat exist since the time of Marilyn Monroe! In the 1950s when protein shakes recipe was not as much in craze and bodybuilding was not famous, Hi-Protein was the first protein shake which was not very delicious and loaded with sweeteners by the brand in an attempt to make it tasty. However, by the 1960s, research improved the quality of the protein shakes recipe for weight gain available in the market. In the 1990s protein shakes recipe really became the rage in the fitness world for bodybuilding and muscle gain.
Protein shakes recipe is weight gain supplements that have several benefits that are sometimes unknown to the user.
- Protein shakes recipe that contains whey protein have a very high nutritional value, are easily digested and quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
- It results in making the user feel fuller for a longer time thus decreasing eating portions and less frequent snacking.
- It may also reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels and risk of other cardiovascular diseases.
- It helps repair damaged muscles and recover from soreness post a workout session.
- Vegans who find it difficult to reach the required protein level may find protein shakes recipe very useful.
Ques. How many times in a day do I consume the protein shakes recipe?
Ans. The most common dosage is twice a day. You can have it pre or post-workout. It can also act as a meal replacement protein shake.
Ques. Does protein shakes recipe have side effects?
Ans. Protein shakes recipe is likely safe for most children and adults. When taken in excess, it might cause nausea, increased bowel movements, reduced appetite, cramps, bloating, thirst, fatigue, and headache.
Ques. Do protein shakes recipes really work?
Ans. Protein shakes recipe repair the muscle torn and damaged post-workout thus helping the muscle to grow. It does offer an immediate post-workout energy boost.
Ques. Do protein shakes recipe help weight loss?
Ans. Protein is important for weight loss. Its boosts metabolism helps in shedding fat, reducing appetite.