A Complete Guide To Low MCHC

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration denotes the concentration of hemoglobin (a blood protein) in the blood. This protein can lie in the normal, low, or high range. But, for proper body function, it should always be in normal span. Hemoglobin gives red pigmentation to RBCs. Hence, the high HB and MCHC make the blood look quite darker, while a low concentration of HB & RBCs makes blood appear lighter.
The MCHC is a subset of CBC (complete blood count) tests and is very helpful in diagnosing anemia, RBCs count, and their RDW & MCV. Anemia is a condition in which the body’s vital organs do not receive the required amount of oxygen. This makes the victim weak, dizzy and causes extreme fatigue. If not treated on time, anemia can give birth to various health conditions like cardiovascular problems. Moreover, anemic females have complications during pregnancy and are not able to deliver a baby normally. That’s why the consumption of iron-rich foods and iron supplements are vital for women. The iron alternatives also help females to cope with heavy blood loss during periods.
As discussed, the most common cause for low MCHC is anemia. However, certain other conditions result in low Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration.

- Decrease in RBCs production. This condition is also known as Hemolysis.
- Sudden incline in RBCs destruction
- Severe blood loss due to injury, Baby delivery, heavy flow during periods, peptic ulcers, or any other reason.
- If the body cannot absorb iron due to Chron’s disease, bypass surgery, etc., it also lowers hemoglobin levels.
- Rare causes of low MCHC are cancer, hookworm infection, and lead poisoning.
Procedure To Diagnose Low MCHC Levels:
If your physician doubts that your MCHC level is low, apart from measuring MCHC, they may ask you to take several blood tests like an MVC test, CBC test, etc. The Mean Corpuscular Volume test scales the average volume of your RBCs, and the complete blood count test measures the range of red blood cells and white blood cells. By analyzing the results of these tests, your physician will be able to diagnose the type of anemia you are going through and the exact cause of low MCHC. It helps them to carve an efficient treatment plan.
Apart from the above tests, your doctor may ask you to take some other diagnostic tests such as X-ray & endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Symptoms Of Low MCHC:
- The person having a low MCHC level lose stamina and feels weak, and due to this, they feel difficult to perform day to day activities
- The heart rate of such a person increases.
- Some people feel breath shortness.
- Coughing and sneezing also occur when hemoglobin level falls.
- Excessive and unexplained sweating is also the early sign of low MCHC.
- The skin colors turn pale, and hands or feet get cold.
- The victim is not able to concentrate and remains confused.
If you or your loved ones also have such symptoms, it would be better to see the best physicians and start the treatment as soon as possible.
Here Are Proven Ways To Prevent Low MCHC:
- Incline iron intake by switching to iron-rich meals like dried fruits, dark green leafy veggies, red meat, tuna, etc. Young women need more iron to stay healthy and keep their HB level optimum. For them, it is not sufficient to devour natural iron food. They should also consume iron alternatives to remain healthy. Nowadays, a variety of iron supplements are available for women, from iron capsules to iron beverages; you can choose any.
- Increase fiber in your diet as it improves the absorption of iron.
- Add vitamin B6 (banana, sweet potatoes, spinach, etc.) and vitamin C (oranges, lemon, berries, etc.) to your daily diet. These vitamins will also boost the absorption of iron from the food you devour.
- Don’t intake calcium over the limit because it affects iron absorption.
The Bottom Line –
A healthy diet, a lot of fluids, and a little workout can keep your MCHC to the optimum level.